Psychic Development

Intro to Psi Dev | Self-Paced

Intro to Psi Dev is a self-paced, online, class that anyone can access who has Internet. The cost is $50 and you have lifetime access.

I created this class for people who cannot take Psi Dev live at 9 pm ET, for people who are not yet ready to do practice readings and for people who like all the foundational information and best practices written out and explained in way they can repeat.

We are not offering classes at this time. 

Please visit our Colleagues pages for classes offered outside Ellen Mahloy's collective. 

Can I join a monthly class in progress?

Yes, I allow students to join monthly psychic development classes that have already begun meeting. If you wish to join a class in progress, PayPal the fee to participate and start attending class immediately. The monthly cost is $88 for 3-day a week classes (Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays) and $55 for 2-day a week classes (Mondays-Wednesdays or Tuesdays-Thursdays) per student.

Students may not join a Health Intuition class in progress because the information taught is cumulative. 

Book classes via the Appointments page.

Psychic Abilities Diagram: Psychic Sight = Clairvoyance, Psychic Hearing = Clairaudience, Psychic Feeling = Clairsentience, Psychic Knowing = Claircognizance, Psychic Smell = Clairalience, Psychic Taste = Clairgustance, Psychic Touch = Psychometry, Psychic Communication = Telepathy